A luxury fashion retail client hosted a client meeting post their change in management. Although the company was defintely data driven and had made significant investment in digital media strategy, they had started to see that relying on performance marketing was keeping them busy with numbers with low increments in performance. 

The client team in a management meeting just like all the previous times said “We had 6% increase in ROAS compared to last Quarter and 8% compared to last year”. Guess what? The new management was not impressed, they asked for a change in direction that would bring double digit growth and more buzz in the market which the brand was known for. 

We as a media team huddled up to brainstorm the next strategy. The keywords “Buzz” kept standing out and we saw it right there. PR will pave our way out to draft the next game changing strategy. Here is what happened next:

  • Step 1: Talk to PR team to send their top materials 
  • Step 2: List all the top fashion publishers in each of the markets ideally with global presence so we can scale to 18 key markets. 
  • Step 3: Work with top publishers to see if they can repurpose PR content or build a bespoke content 
  • Step 4: Measure, negotiate, measure: Negotiate if bespoke articles can be billed at 1 EUR per read so we get quality exposure not just impressions
  • Step 5: Work with PR team, have measurement systems at place (adserver in this case). 
  • Step 6: Test and scale

This new approach was super effective. Why? Luxury and PR go hand in hand and it is all about spreading the buzz using digital media in the right outlets. There was increase in footfall in the key markets and boost in offline store revenue which was directly attributed to change in strategy. We celebrated this as a team and it was awesome 🙂